• This program is a school-wide system of behavior and academic support.

    • We know the academic success of our children, we must also improve their social success.
    • Academic and social failures are reciprocal and inextricably related.

    The focus is on......

    • School as a unit of implementation
    • Connecting social and academic achievement
    • Team-based leadership
    • Sustainability of effective practices
    • Data-based decision-making

    The emphasis at each level is on prevention.
    Universal Level - Goal: to reduce new cases of problem behavior and/or academic failure

    Targeted Level - Goal: to reduce current cases of problem behavior and/or academic failure

    Intensive/Wraparound Level - Goal: to reduce complications, intensity, severity of students with chronic problem behavior and/or academic behavior

    Building Level commitments.......

    1. Three-five year focus to get sustainable change
    2. Active administrative support and participation
    3. Administrative leadership for PBIS
    4. Commitment from staff
    5. Completion and use of data collection (discipline and academic data, survey, checklists)

    The following link displays the expectations for all educational settings at Northeast - Matrix.PDF

    Be Safe, Be Healthy, Be Responsible, Be Respectful