To report a student absence from school please call:
PreK- 217-444-3266
In the event of an absence, the student's parent or guardian is required to call the school at 217-444-3500 before 7:50 am to explain the reason for the absence. If a call has not been made to the school by 9:00 AM on the day of a student's absence, a school official and the Alert Now system will call the home to inquire why the student is not at school. If the parent or guardian cannot be contacted, the student will be required to submit a signed note from the parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence.
Once a student has reached a total of six (6) absences (excused by parent and unexcused), any additional absences may require official documentation explaining the reason for the student's absence.
Illinois law requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between six (6) and seventeen (17) years of age (unless the child has already graduated from high school) shall assure that the child attends school in the district in which he or she resides, during the entire time school is in session. Illinois law also requires that whoever has custody or control of a child who is enrolled in school, regardless of the child's age, shall assure that the child attends school during the entire time school is in session.
Please refer to the Ownership in Education Handbook and/or the Parent/Student Handbook for more information.
WHAT is bullying?
A verified allegation of bullying is a complaint that if investigated would meet the definition of “bullying” found in Section 27-23.7(b) of the School Code. Bullying is defined as any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student or students that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
• Placing the student or students in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s or students’ person or property;
• Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s or students’ physical or mental health;
• Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ academic performance; or
• Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.