• DHS Field House

    DHS Field House/Gym Renovations:

    We are painting the ceilings and walls and repairing the ceilings and walls in the Field House along with replacing the existing floor.

  • DHS Boiler Replacement

    DHS Boiler Replacement:

    The boilers at DHS have outlived their life expectancy.  We repaired them several times last winter.  We were barely able to keep temperatures comfortable in the building.  We are replacing the hot water system, as well as the boilers.  In addition, we are installing 5 boilers rather than 4.  We expect a considerable savings on utilities once the boilers are replaced.

  • Edison Gym Roof Replacement: 

    This roof replacement is over the gym as well as the addition.  We have made many repairs to this roof.  It has long outlived its usefulness.


    Edison/Liberty/Meade Park Concrete Sidewalk Repairs: 

    All of these repairs are needed because we have sidewalks and loading dock stairs around the building that are trip hazards for staff and students.


    Danville High School Auditorium: 

    Sound, lights, and rigging will be replaced.  The specs should be complete by the end of this month and ready to go out for bid in June.

  • DHS Parking Lot

    DHS Parking Lot:

    We will be putting in a new staff parking lot directly across from the Circle Drive at DHS.   This will be a paved surface making it easier and safer for staff and visitors attending activities at DHS.

  • Southwest

    Southwest Boiler/Chiller Replacement:

    We have made numerous repairs.  The boilers have outlived their life expectancy, as well as the chiller.  This school is our second largest in consumption of utilities in the District.  We expect to save in utility costs with replacing the boilers and chiller, paying for itself in approximately 7 or 8 years.