For more information on Immigration Guidance, please contact Mr. John Hart, Assistant Superintendent, at 217-444-1012 or hartj@danville118.org
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS when interacting with Immigration Officers (ICE)
CLICK HERE for "Know Your Rights" (English)
HAGA CLIC AQUÍ - Conoce tus derechos - (Español)
DIǍN ZHÈLǏ - Liǎojiě nín de quánlì – (Yīngyǔ)
CLIQUEZ ICI - Connaissez vos droits - (Français)
CLICK HERE for ACLU Immigrants' Rights
CLICK HERE for National Partnership for New Americans - live document with legal protection resources
CLICK HERE for Non-Regulatory Guidance on Immigration Enforcement Actions
CLICK HERE for Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
English Language Learners
The cultural and linguistical diversity of our students enriches the lives and understanding of our school community. We are extremely fortunate to have nine teachers who are part of an international exchange program who also share their culture and assist our English language Learners.
Our ELL and bilingual education teachers maximize the time spent with students by providing meaningful context in an academic setting that improves linguistic development.
Learners receive direct instruction using vocabulary, concrete based materials, background instruction, and guided support in their content subjects.
The program facilitates ELL support through two instructional models. Students are taught by ELL teachers through pull-out instruction and by mainstream teachers who adapt their content to meet the needs of the ELL student (i.e. Sheltered English).
Criteria for Placement
The Home Language Survey is the initial process for new students enrolling into the district. If a child speaks a language other than English or has exposure to another language in daily interaction, the student is then screened to determine the level of English proficiency.
If a child is determined to be limited in English proficiency, they will receive instruction using the WIDA Standards.
Parents are notified when students are given the option of the ELL program and have the right to refuse direct services if desired.
All students that show Limited English Proficiency (LEP) will be re-assessed annually on the ACCESS Proficiency Test.
For further information:
Contact Brandie Kuchefski, Title I Grants Coordinator at 444-1065 or kuchefskib@danville118.org