We expect all of our students to: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, & Be Safe.
Students will follow these three expectations in every setting within the school. Students may earn “RED Rewards” to access raffles and prizes when observed following our expectations. We will hold raffles and plan on having “holiday stores” during the year. Additionally, we will have Celebrations or Rewards if students meet the criteria set for them. Please help your child to maintain these expectations by encouraging them to maintain their grades, attendance and behavior at school.Thank you for all of your support. We are looking forward to a positive and successful year!
Red Rewards
RED Rewards
Students will earn RED Reward slips when displaying specific behaviors from the building expectations in all locations of the building. Any North Ridge staff member may assign a RED Reward for these good behaviors. -
What is PBIS
What is PBIS?
"Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive systems approach for creating and maintaining safe and effective learning environments in schools, and ensuring that all students have the social/emotional skills needed to ensure their success at school and beyond." -
PBIS Expectations
The expectations for a school implementing PBIS are based on three main ideas:
Students need to know what is expected of them.
Our 3 school-wide expectations/rules are the basis of our matrix and they are:
"Be Ready" "Be Respectful" "Be Safe"
Students need to be taught directly the correct way to behave.
The correct behavior needs to be encouraged & acknowledged.
Motivation will be to provide positive feedback & RED Rewards. -
PBIS Website
For more information on PBIS, please visit the following link:
PBIS.org -
Illinois PBIS Network Goals
Illinois PBIS Network Goals
Increase consistent use of positive teaching and reinforcement strategies among all staff.
Reduce us of reactive discipline measures in schools for all staff.
Increase data-based decision making about behavior and academic instruction and reinforcement across all school settings.
Implement effective comprehensive supports/services/interventions with the most intensive behavioral/emotional needs through wraparound plans that address home, school, and community settings. -
Four Elements of PBIS
Four Elements of PBIS
Information provided by:
Illinois PBIS Network - A Component of the Illinois Statewide Technical Assistance Center (ISTAC), funded by the Illinois State Board of Education -
PBIS is a process... not an add on
It is individualized to the needs of our school
It is free through the Illinois State Board of Education
The emphasis is on continuous, data driven improvement
It believes students should be taught how to behave and make positive choices
It provides incentives for all students to excel
It is adaptable and can be used across all grade levels (K-8 focus)
It will systematize our behavioral and referral processResearch is demonstrating that schools make greater academic gains when they simultaneously build a school-wide positive social-culture. PBIS organizes adults and students to create a social-culture in schools that will encourage positive behavior and interactions, while discouraging problem behaviors. This social-culture will lead to a safer environment where students achieve academically and build positive relationships with each other and with adults.
Weekly Warm-up
Weekly Warm-up
In order to help our students know what is expected of them, we have established one set of expectations for the entire building and all settings. This will provide consistency for the students, which will make it easier for them to learn and understand each rule. It will also provide support to all the staff. Our three expectations are: Be Ready, Be Respectful, and Be Safe. For more information on the North Ridge Cool Tools, please contact a member of the PBIS Committee. -