Early Childhood Program

  • Recent brain research indicates that the early years prior to formal schooling are years of continued brain growth and development. This means that the environment and experiences of a child from birth through the age of 7 or 8 stimulate and nurture the continued development of the brain.

    The success of a child learning to read and count in kindergarten is directly related to those preschool experiences. Danville Public Schools is committed to providing a nurturing preschool environment that will challenge the children to optimal brain development and future classroom success.

    The Pre-K Program in Danville Public Schools consist of the following components designed to help each child develop the readiness skills necessary for success in the formal setting of kindergarten.

    Prekindergarten Screening Days- These events help to identify whether a child who is 3-5 years old qualifies for the Pre-K program and whether he/she may need further evaluation for special education services. Click Here for the 2023-2024 Pre-K Screening Calendar.

    Prevention Initiative/ Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Programs- These programs provide parent education for opportunities for families of children pre-born through 3 years old in their own homes and at group events with other families who are involved in the program. 

    Preschool for All- This program provides half-day, language and literacy rich, classroom experiences for children who are 3-5 years old. These developmentally appropriate experiences are designed to help the child develop to his/her fullest potential and enter kindergarten ready to learn. 

    Preschool for All Expansion - This program provides full day, language and literacy rich, classroom experiences for children who are 4 years old and will be entering kindergarten the following year.  These developmentally appropriate experiences are designed to help the child develop to his/her fullest potential and enter kindergarten ready to learn.

    For further information about either of these programs, please call the Pre-K office at 444-3266 or you may e-mail Kathy Schluter at schluterk@danville118.org or Kara McQueen at mcqueenk@danville118.org