Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program
Superintendent Dr. Alicia Geddis shares information with District 118 Families:
"As the Governor’s plan to provide funding to students during this pandemic is now receiving much media coverage, I wanted to help you be prepared as to how this will affect your family. The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program is part of the U.S. government response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of P-EBT is to provide food assistance to families with students who would have received free or reduced lunch while attending school but are not receiving these meals in school due to COVID-19 restrictions.
For each day that K-12 school children lack access to an in-school lunch, P-EBT provides eligible families with $6.82 in benefits per student, per day. These benefits are provided on a card that can be used like a debit card to purchase food at any grocery store that accepts LINK cards. Benefits will be issued starting in March but they will be retroactive to the start of the 2020-2021 school year. The benefits will go through the end to the school year and will be mailed directly to the student’s home.
Danville 118 is a community eligibility provision (CEP) district and this designation means that our students will get P-EBT automatically for qualifying days. Our Student Information System (SIS) data will be used by ISBE to distribute the cards to our families. We are not in control of the distribution, the amount or the timeline.
Below are links to "Questions and Answers FAQ" and "Toolkits" with more detailed information.
Dr. Alicia Geddis, Superintendent
Questions and Answers FAQ - English
Preguntas y respuestas FAQ - Espanol
Toolkit (more detailed information) - English
Kit de herramientas (informacion mas detallada) - Espanol