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  • Please CLICK HERE for HELP with:

    • Bullying
    • Preventing Teen Dating Violence
    • Suicide Prevention
    • Title IX - Reporting of Sex Discrimination or Sexual Harassment
    • Wellness Policy


    More information is available at:  SAFE2HELP

  • Dear Parents & Guardians,

    Ensuring the overall wellness, including mental health, of our students, families, and staff is always a priority. The increased demands upon everyone during the COVID season has only magnified this. The district wants to ensure you have the resources and information to seek assistance if needed.

    If you have a crisis situation with your child:

    Crisis Text Line

    Text HOME to 741741


    CARES hotline for Screening, Assessment & Support Services (SASS)


    If you would like to set up virtual counseling for you or your child:

    Hartgrove Behavioral Health

    Virtual Counseling Services

    CALL OR TEXT (312) 399-2361

    If you have a need other than those above, but are unsure of resources, this hotline provides 24/7 access to information, referrals, and crisis response.

    DIAL 2-1-1 or 1-888-865-9903

    The district is committed to partnering with you to ensure a healthy and successful year.

    Dr. Alicia Geddis, Superintendent of Schools